October 22, 2024

How to Keep your Joints & Muscles Healthy this Winter

Bones and joint problems becomes inevitable with the onset of winter. Restricted absorption of Vitamin D into our body during winters could be the one reason for it. Also during winter, the blood flow decreases to the peripheral areas of the body which leads to pain & stiffness in joints. Ignoring these bone & joints problems may result in further deterioration which can lead to cramps & fractures. Although it is important to keep your muscles active throughout the year it becomes more important during the winter months. Here we bring you a few tips to keep your bones & muscles healthy during winters.

  • Start with warm-up. It is extremely important to get your muscles warm and your blood flowing before you start with your workout.
  • Give an ear to your body. Do not ignore any unusual signs or symptoms such as sorenessĀ of the tendons or tendonitis, it could be a sign that there is strain on a particular muscle or that muscle may tear. Consult your orthopaedic doctor for more information.
  • Keep yourself warm. Keeping your hands and feet warm will prevent too much loss of heat from your body. Wear warm clothing to keep body temperature stable for maintaining overall health.
  • Use lighter weights in the gym. Your joints may not be warmed enough during winters and lifting heavier weights can make it more prone to injuries.
  • Remember to stretch. Stretching post workout can help prevent muscle soreness and will make your body recover quickly from workout.
  • Increase calcium in your diet. Calcium is important for maintaining stronger bones. Include calcium-rich foods such as milk, yoghurt, broccoli, cheese, legumes, dry fruits, seafood and green leafy vegetables in your diet.
  • Shower with warm water. Not only does it relieves stiffness in your joints but it also gives relief from arthritis pain.
  • Get tested. It becomes extremely important to get tested for bone density test if are are above the age of 40 especially for women. This test help determine the amount of mineral in your bones.